91 Logic Elements, Complete Electronics

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Moss, G.L., Graham, P., Sandige, R.S., Hinton, H.S. “Logic Elements”
The Electrical Engineering Handbook
Ed. Richard C. Dorf
Boca Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2000
Logic Elements
IC Logic Family Operation and Characteristics
IC Logic Families and Subfamilies•TTL Logic Family•CMOS
Logic Family•ECL Logic Family•Logic Family Circuit
Parameters•Interfacing Between Logic Families
Gregory L. Moss
Purdue University
Logic Gates (IC)
Gate Specification Parameters•Bipolar Transistor
Gates•Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
Logic•Choosing a Logic Family
Peter Graham
Florida Atlantic University
Richard S. Sandige
Bistable Devices
Basic Latches•Gated Latches•Flip-Flops•Edge-Triggered Flip-
Flops•Special Notes on Using Latches and Flip-Flops
University of Wyoming
H. S. Hinton
Optical Devices
University of Colorado
All-Optical Devices•Optoelectronic Devices•Limitations
79.1 IC Logic Family Operation and Characteristics
Gregory L. Moss
Digital logic circuits can be classified as belonging to one of two categories, either combinational (also called
combinatorial) or sequential logic circuits. The output logic level of a combinatorial circuit depends only on
the current logic levels present at the circuit’s inputs. Sequential logic circuits, on the other hand, have a memory
characteristic so the sequential circuit’s output is dependent not only on the current input conditions but also
on the current output state of the circuit. The primary building block in combinational circuits is the logic
gate. The three simplest logic gate functions are the inverter (or NOT), AND, and OR. Other common basic
logic functions are derived from these three.
definitions of the various types of
logic gates. The memory elements used to construct sequential logic circuits are called latches and flip-flops.
The integrated circuit switching logic used in modern digital systems will generally be from one of three
families: transistor-transistor logic (TTL), complementary metal-oxide semiconductor logic (CMOS), or emit-
ter-coupled logic (ECL). Each of the logic families has its advantages and disadvantages. The three major families
are also divided into various subfamilies derived from performance improvements in integrated circuit (IC)
design technology. Bipolar transistors provide the switching action in both TTL and ECL families, while
enhancement-mode MOS transistors are the basis for the CMOS family. Recent improvements in switching
circuit performance are also attained using BiCMOS technology, the merging of bipolar and CMOS technologies
on a single chip. A particular logic family is usually selected by digital designers based on such criteria as
1.Switching speed
2.Power dissipation
3.PC board area requirements (levels of integration)
4.Output drive capability (
5.Noise immunity characteristics
6.Product breadth
7.Sourcing of components
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  TABLE 79.1
Defining Truth Tables for Logic Gates
1-Input Function
2-Input Functions
Output Functions
0 1
1 1
TABLE 79.2
Logic Families and Subfamilies
Family and Subfamily
Transistor-transistor logic
Standard TTL
Low-power TTL
High-speed TTL
Schottky TTL
Low-power Schottky TTL
Advanced Schottky TTL
Advanced low-power Schottky TTL
Fast TTL
Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
Standard CMOS
Standard CMOS using TTL numbering system
High-speed CMOS
High-speed CMOS—TTL compatible
Fast CMOS—TTL compatible
Advanced CMOS
Advanced CMOS—TTL compatible
Advanced high-speed CMOS
Advanced high-speed CMOS-TTL compatible
ECL (or CML)
Emitter-coupled (current-mode) logic
Standard ECL
High-speed ECL
IC Logic Families and Subfamilies
The integrated circuit logic families actually consist of several subfamilies of ICs that differ in various perfor-
mance characteristics. The TTL logic family has been the most widely used family type for applications that
employ small-scale integration (SSI) or medium-scale integration (MSI) integrated circuits. Lower power
consumption and higher levels of integration are the principal advantages of the CMOS family. The ECL family
is generally used in applications that require high-speed switching logic. Today, the most common device
numbering system used in the TTL and CMOS families has a prefix of 54 (generally used in military applications
and having an operating temperature range of –55 to 125
C) and 74 (generally used in industrial/commercial
applications and having an operating temperature range of 0 to 70
dentifies various logic families
and subfamilies.
TTL Logic Family
The TTL family has been the most widely used logic family for many years in applications that use SSI and
MSI. It is relatively fast and offers a great variety of standard chips.
The active switching element used in all TTL family circuits is the
bipolar junction transistor (BJT).
The transistor is turned on when the base is approximately 0.7 V more positive than the emitter and there is
a sufficient amount of base current flowing. The turned on transistor (in non-Schottky subfamilies) is said to
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  FIGURE 79.1
TTL inverter circuit block diagram and operation.
be in saturation and, ideally, acts like a closed switch between the collector and emitter terminals. The transistor
is turned off when the base is not biased with a high enough voltage (with respect to the emitter). Under this
condition, the transistor acts like an open switch between the collector and emitter terminals.
illustrates the transistor circuit blocks used in a standard TTL inverter. Four transistors are used
to achieve the inverter function. The input to the gate connects to the emitter of transistor Q1, the input
coupling transistor. A clamping diode on the input prevents negative input voltage spikes from damaging Q1.
The collector voltage (and current) of Q1 controls Q2, the phase splitter transistor. Q2, in turn, controls the
Q3 and Q4 transistors forming the output circuit, which is called a totem-pole arrangement. Q4 serves as a
pull-up transistor to pull the output high when it is turned on. Q3 does just the opposite to the output and
serves as a pull-down transistor. Q3 pulls the output low when it is turned on. Only one of the two transistors
in the totem pole may be turned on at a time, which is the function of the phase splitter transistor Q2.
When a high
is applied to the inverter’s input, Q1’s base-emitter junction will be reverse biased
and the base-collector junction will be forward biased. This circuit condition will allow Q1 collector current
to flow into the base of Q2, saturating Q2 and thereby providing base current into Q3, turning it on also. The
collector voltage of Q2 is too low to turn on Q4 so that it appears as an open in the top part of the totem pole.
A diode between the two totem-pole transistors provides an extra voltage drop in series with the base-emitter
junction of Q4 to ensure that Q4 will be turned off when Q2 is turned on. The saturated Q3 transistor brings
the output near ground potential, producing a low output result for a high input into the inverter.
When a low logic level is applied to the inverter’s input, Q1’s base-emitter junction will be forward biased
and the base-collector junction will be reverse biased. This circuit condition will turn on Q1 so that the collector
terminal is shorted to the emitter and, therefore, to ground (low level). This low voltage is also on the base of
Q2 and turns Q2 off. With Q2 off, there will be insufficient base current into Q3, turning it off also. Q2 leakage
current is shunted to ground with a resistor to prevent the partial turning on of Q3. The collector voltage of
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 Q2 is pulled to a high potential with another resistor and, as a result, turns on Q4 so that it appears as a short
in the top part of the totem pole. The saturated Q4 transistor provides a low resistance path from
to the
output, producing a high output result for a low input into the inverter.
A TTL NAND gate is very similar to the inverter circuit, with the exception that the input coupling transistor
Q1 is constructed with multiple emitter-base junctions and each input to the NAND is connected to a separate
emitter terminal. Any of the transistor’s multiple emitters can be used to turn on Q1. The TTL NAND gate
thus functions in the same manner as the inverter in that if any of the NAND gate inputs are low, the same
circuit action will take place as with a low input to the inverter. Therefore, any time a low input is applied to
the NAND gate it will produce a high ouput. Only if all of the NAND gate inputs are simultaneously high will
it then produce the same circuit action as the inverter with its single input high, and the resultant output will
be low. Input coupling transistors with up to eight emitter-base junctions, and therefore, eight input NAND
gates, are constructed.
Storage time (the time it takes for the transistor to come out of saturation) is a major factor of propagation
delay for saturated BJT transistors. A long storage time limits the switching speed of a standard TTL circuit.
The propagation delay can be decreased and, therefore, the switching speed can be increased, by placing a
Schottky diode between the base and collector of each transistor that might saturate. The resulting Schottky-
clamped transistors do not go into saturation (effectively eliminating storage time) since the diode shunts
current from the base into the collector before the transistor can achieve saturation. Today, digital circuit designs
implemented with TTL logic almost exclusively use one of the Schottky subfamilies to take advantage of the
significant improvement in switching speed.
CMOS Logic Family
The active switching element used in all CMOS family circuits is the metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect
transistor (MOSFET). CMOS stands for complementary MOS transistors and refers to the use of both types
of MOSFET transistors,
-channel, in the design of this type of switching circuit. While the
physical construction and the internal physics of a MOSFET are quite different from that of the BJT, the circuit
switching action of the two transistor types is quite similar. The MOSFET switch is essentially turned off and
has a very high channel resistance by applying the same potential to the gate terminal as the source. An
-channel and
channel MOSFET is turned on and has a very low channel resistance when a high voltage with respect to the
source is applied to the gate. A
-channel MOSFET operates in the same fashion but with opposite polarities;
the gate must be more negative than the source to turn on the transistor.
A block diagram and schematic for a CMOS inverter circuit is shown in
Note that it is a simpler
and much more compact circuit design than that for the TTL inverter. That fact is a major reason why MOSFET
integrated circuits have a much higher circuit density than BJT integrated circuits and is one advantage that
MOSFET ICs have over BJT ICs. As a result, CMOS is used in all levels of integration, from SSI through VLSI
(very large scale integration).
When a high logic level is applied to the inverter’s input, the
-channel MOSFET Q1 will be turned off and
-channel MOSFET Q2 will be turned on. This will cause the output to be shorted to ground through the
low resistance path of Q2’s channel. The turned off Q1 has a very high channel resistance and acts nearly like
an open.
When a low logic level is applied to the inverter’s input, the
-channel MOSFET Q1 will be turned on and
through the low
resistance path of Q1’s channel. The turned off Q2 has a very high channel resistance and acts nearly like an open.
CMOS NAND gates are constructed by paralleling
-channel MOSFET Q2 will be turned off. This will cause the output to be shorted to
-channel MOSFETs, one for each input, and putting in
series an
-channel MOSFET for each input, as shown in the block diagram and schematic of
NAND gate will produce a low output only when both Q3 and Q4 are turned on, creating a low resistance
path from the output to ground through the two series channels. This can be accomplished by having a high
on both input A and input B. This input condition will also turn off Q1 and Q2 . If either input A or input B
or both is low, the respective parallel MOSFET will be turned on, providing a low resistance path for the output
. This will also turn off at least one of the series MOSFETs, resulting in a high resistance path for the
output to ground.
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