89. Duerme Negrito, Głos in Tractu

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//-->| | n l'1^k{tyr,d*.,T.solo ffiDuerme Negrito"Sleep,Iittle blackone"pDue'--a-l-ia-t20Atahualpa Yupanquiarr. EmiLio SoLd-3----sDUMDUNTDUMDUMDIn{DUMDUMDUMADIIMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUTIT1DUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDI'MDUAIDUI\IDI'MDUMBDUMDUMDIJMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDI'MDUMDUMDUMr_3___rque tu ma-ma e'-ta en elcam - po ne-gri-toDUMDUMDUMDUMDI'MDUMDUMDUIi-DUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUM-DUMDIIMDUMDUMtoma - ma-9'- t{rnel@ 1996 by earthson86caIn ' po ne-gri'to.Te vaa tra-6te va a tra- 6'fru'taI)lrNtLrutrl_DUII -ou[f_DUM DI'IIIDTII\{ DIIIII-DUM DUMDUII17fre'-ca pa rati,tevaatr:i-€'ca'ned€ce'-do pa-rati,te va a tra - 6'mu-chaDUM-DUM -DUM-DUM -DUI\{-DUM-DUM DUIfDIIM DIJM -I)IIN{ I)I.II1I]IIM DIJMDUM DUM -DUM DUMDUMco- sa pa' ra ti,poconaeno ntosaoY SINE GRO NOSEDUE'MEI'IE - NE E' DIA. BLO ALANCOYDUM -/:\-DUMDUM DUII,I DUM DIIM--3-Q tern.poIlucme. dueme negri - to,_JAN DO.TRA.BA JAN- DO DU-RA.MEN,TETRA. BA - JAN.DOBA.JAN-DOYNO LE PA GAN,'TRA BA-JAN- DO,TRA. BA - JAN.DO SI,-d".TRABA- JAN.DOY VA TO,SIEN-DO TRA BA - JAN. DONE- GRI-TO CHI-QUI- TI- TO, P'ALNE.J A N - D O S I ,-TRA BA . JAN- DO SI,-P'AI- NE,ntf IJ -tra-bajan - do.GRI . TO SI,TRA.I]A..'ANDO-gCRI . TO SI,,I'RA.BAJA,\DO,1 - 31--3rmenegrl-que tL ma'ma e-taen elcam _ po ne_gri_to--3-r-5-rit./:Adagio\t'1q u . I u l n j , . m i r^ - r n p r , e lc. Ir,4 nc-gn.l^cf'TTE-.,:\a nr qu.rtdaontgo\7^"D U E R M ESl..p,Du.rmc.duc.mcSldp,sl&pqu.ru( ) tourm.m.holh..ncgrito.ltutlc bli.k on.t.t..nis incllh.c.hpoti.lds,nc8.rto.litll. on..[_YtYThis series of Latinamerrcatchoral music will provide an oppoitunityfor many choirs t6 get to know this musrcand, through it, to discover our traditions,our rh1'thms, and our soul.In this lullaby composcd byAtahualpa Yupanqui, one of the mostpopular Latinamericancomposers of th€1960s and early 1970s, the littl€ blackchild is given impossible promises andwarned of dire consequenccs, while the sadplisht of the sick, hard.workins mothcr isdepict€d in word and song.According to our translator"N€srtroCarlos Inpez,literallym€ans'littleblack one,'or, in modern usage,'darling''dearsimplyorlittle one.' Butother words in th€ t€xt leav€ no doubt about'black'the setting of thislullaby.The'r'omission of i.hein ,rae' (i'iaet), ce'do(cerdo), snd ca'ne (carne) and the'6'omission of ania €'ro (e6ta) a d tre'ca(fresca) all reflect the black spanishpronunciationof the unaducated slaveculture.The references to the brutalpractice of cutting s person's foot otr toprevent €scap€ and to the sick mothcrworking hard in the 6elds and not Settingpaid can only be understood in t€rms ofthedehumanizing conditions slave8 enduredfor centuries in many part6 of the NcwWorld-"Marb GuinandN E G R I T Olnnr bhtL d.Slcp, slep little bl.ck on.,rh. li.lds, lirrlr o..-tour nimr'ci.Te vrr rraa c.donis. raia ri,qurilSh. Lssoint to brin!aor rou,T.v!. rrai trura t.cc. ptrr ti,Sh. k Soingto bring liui{ lr6hlo. rou,T.v.. rr.i' .... dc c€do p.r. ri,lor FU,Sh. is soing (o brins he.l or pigT.va' rria muchr' cds. pah ri.Sh. is 8oin8 to bring m.ny things aor you,Ysi n.8ronoscdlcrhc,And if blr.k on. nor (hinkla) .ldp,vicnc*ill Nh..'di.blolh. d.vilblr..o yrhit. udzisup!Sh.'s goint to brihg qu.il lor you,!h.'s going lo brina lr6h lroil lor you,rh.! going lo b.ing p.rt ror tou,sh.! goinSlo britrg m2ny IhinSsaor you.And if lh. bl..k on. desn'l 30 to 6l.ep,lh. rhit. d.vil rill .om. .nd ap!h.'ll ..1 Jour lilll. l@1, .4j., til€ co6.hhb will ..1 (h.)p.ric!littl. l@tchi.a bi,./n.d bn,Du.rm., dudh! icsrno,qu. tu n.n. r't. .n .l crmpo n.griro.T'rbrj!ndoWorLinSdu..narc,h!.d,rnb.j!ndorortln,!i,t.9Sl..p, .tcD Utr|. bl..l on.,l. th. li.ldr, lirth o...tour n.nrlnlrd, rorti.&Sh.t rorti.gt.3,rorting rnd $.r dotrl t.t h.., reking. rd,rorrin! .nd .h.l coulhlng, f,ortint, 16,lo. n.r .x4i lilll. bl.ct on.,r b.j.ido yro.kln8..diot. pasin, r'.brj.ndo ti,not tE. p.t, ior|(|tr3 16,rr.brF.do 5i.ro.tin8 t6,utb!j.ndo rv.rosi..do,ro.tin!.nd f,hil. orShlnt,ncg.itoP rllor h.. tittl. bl.ctchiqlnno,rn.tt or.,si.yd,p rlnclrnofor h.. liltlc blrcl on. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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